söndag 19 maj 2013

måndag 17 oktober 2011

Long time no post.

I apologize for my english, I apologize for the lack of updates and I apologize for the messy nature of this update.
My creativeness is currently kind of drained and suffocated, I don't really know why, but I have a vauge idea that it could be because I've been spending to much time being dragged to various pubs during my spare time, minecraft could be a big part of it also.
I recently graduated i'm therefore trying to to grab every job that matches my level of education(which is none) that flies by as i'm trying to figure out what I want to study in the future.
When I'm not looking for jobs, I'm mostly working out, I guess that my body is the sculpture i'm currently woking on :).
So to conclude everything, I'd like to say i'm doing my best to feel sane, strong and healthy right now, in my opinion there wasn't to much of that when I was in school.

onsdag 23 februari 2011

söndag 6 februari 2011

Unexpected visitor.

A little girl snuck into my kitchen the other day, guilty as she felt, I got an opportunity to make a portrait of her.